第一期主题 6/15-7/2 百变科技–Apple Valley


看不懂的前朝往事, 学不尽的科学,技术,工程,艺术,数学和机器人。忆古思今, 瞻望未来,更创辉煌!

First Phase:  STEAM Robotics

STEAM Robotics fields are science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics and Robotics! Building, Brainstorming, and Believing in Future Possibilities!

第一期615日到72 (为期24) ¨ 上午8时半至下午5 时

First Phase: Jun 15 to Jul 2 (2 weeks & 4 days) ¨ 8:30am – 5:00pm Daily

地点:South Suburban Evangelical Church

Add: 12600 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd, Apple Valley, MN 55124(MICS南部校区)

第二期主题 7/13-31印象中国– Edina or Bloomington


中华文化,源远流长;博大精深,卓越辉煌。翱翔960万平方公里, 阅历五千年历史沧桑。圣贤典籍, 浩如烟海; 四大发明, 举世传扬。美食戏剧,独珍异宝,威威大国,雄震天下。

Second Phase:  The Impression of China

Learn about the essence of the Mandarin Chinese and Chinese culture, including greetings and conversations, Chinese poetry, pandas, Chinese Kung Fu, customs and celebrations, through a variety of fun and engaging lessons and many hands-on activities.

第二期713日到731 (为期 三周) ¨ 上午8时半至下午5 时

Second Phase: Jul 8 to 26 (three weeks) ¨ 8:30am – 5:00pm Daily

地点:RM W222, Edina High School

Add: 6754 Valley View Rd, Edina, MN 55439

第三期主题 8/3-21爱护地球 – Edina or Bloomington

地球是我们共同的家,爱护她, 是我们义不容辞的责任!

我们的地球应该是一个美丽,梦幻,和充满生机的地方,这里有清澈的海洋、青葱的山川和甜甜的空气,所有人和动物都一起快乐生活,和平共处。这个夏令营,让我们从自己做起,学习清洁地球/垃圾分类,保护海洋,和了解多种生物等方方面面重新认识我们的地球, 爱护我们的家!

Third Phase:  Care Earth

Our planet should be a beautiful, dynamic, and lovely place. There are clear oceans, green mountains and sweet air. All people and animals live happily together and live in peace. This summer camp, let’s start with ourselves, learn to clean the earth / garbage sorting, protect the ocean, and learn about all kinds of creatures to re-know our planet and take care of our home!

第三期83日到821 (为期三周) ¨ 上午8时半至下午5 时

Third Phase: Aug 5 to 23 (three weeks) ¨ 8:30am – 5:00pm Daily

地点:RM W222, Edina High School

Add: 6754 Valley View Rd, Edina, MN 55439

招生对象:5岁以上 (12周岁以上学费半价)

Enrollment: 5 years plus

(50% tuition discount will be applied to students 12 years and older)

班主任: 黄硖老师,赵文燕老师, 曾丽娜老师

Head Teachers: Ms. Xia Huang and Ms. Lina Zeng

注册费: $30/每学生 (5月1日前全款付清免注册费)

Registration Fee: $30 per student (Waived if full payment by May 1st)

学费: (含学习材料,手工材料,T-Shirt*, 书包**)

$280*/一周; $240/四天; $80/天; $820**/三周

Tuition: (including materials, school T shirt*, backpack**)

$280/week; $240/4 days; $80/day; $820 for three weeks.


选项午餐: $30/星期

Optional Lunch: $30/week